
Showing posts from November, 2011


1. “WHOA!” That was the first word blurted when I read the news about the program called SEXUALITY MERDEKA 2011 organized with the official tag of creating awareness to the public about LESBIANS, BISEXUALS, GAY & TRANSEXUALS (LBGT) and about their rights in leading their lives their own ways. I verily believe this is the first of its kind and frankly, this is the first time that I see such a program being organized in Malaysia. 2. Though this program received full support from several organizations like Bar Council and SUARAM yet many parties, religious bodies and Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) despised and protested to the organizing of such program. The protesting parties cried out and loudly said that it is not at all acceptable and in defying the divine ordain. Police reports had also been made and last I knew the police had declared a ban on such program. 3. A friend asked me for my personal opinion on this issue. His cynical tone really is sickening since I am a membe...

Antara harapan ayah bonda dan kepentingan politik

1. Semalam, Mahkamah Rayuan telah memutuskan serta mengisytiharkan bahawa Seksyen 15 Akta Universti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) 1971 sebagai tidak sah dan melanggarkan peruntukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan sedemikian setelah mendengar rayuan 4 orang pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) yang mencabar keputusan Lembaga Disiplin Pelajar yang mengenakan hukuman disiplin keatas mereka. Hukuman disiplin ini dikenakan kerana pelajar-pelajar ini ditahan oleh pihak polis kerana disyaki terlibat dalam kempen Pilihanraya Kecil Hulu Selangor lalu. 2. Mahkamah Rayuan yang bersidang dengan 3 orang Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan telah membuat keputusan majoriti 2-1 di mana Yang Amat Arif Hakim (YAA) Datuk Wira Low Hop Bing tidak bersetuju dengan keputusan dengan YAA Hakim yang lain. Rayuan tersebut turut didengar oleh YAA Mohd Hishamudin dan YAA Datuk Linton Albert. 3. YAA Mohd Hishamudin dalam keputusannya mengatakan bahawa Seksyen 15 AUKU tidak munasabah kerana ia menyekat...